
Anti Ragging Cell

The institute has a zero-tolerance to ragging and strong anti-ragging policies in place. It has an Anti-ragging Cell, which takes strict actions against those who indulge in ragging irrespective of the extent.

What Constitutes Ragging?

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Anti Ragging Committee


SL NO Name of the Faculty Designation Position Mobile No
01 Prof Shalmon Chopade Principal Chairman 9901498014
02 Mrs Suchitra Rati Vice-Principal Member 9986019124
03 Mr Basheer Ahmad S Professor /IQAC Member 9481573043
04 Mrs Shardha Y Chalvadi Library Asst Member 9008504682
05 Mr Santosh Indi Asst Professor Member 8123374800
06 Mr Satish B N Asst Professor Member 9110403502
07 Mr Fajar Rahim 1st Year Bsc Nursing Student 8951149833
08 Mr Sachin Shirshyad 2nd Year GNM Student 9172580274
09 Mr Ambarish Kumar 3rd Year BSc Student 8210832790
Committee Power & Functions

Powers & Functions

To uphold and comply with the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and be vigilant on any acts amounting to ragging

To publicize to all students and prevalent directives and the action that can be taken against those indulging in ragging

To consider the complaints received from the students and conduct enquiry and submit report to the principal along with punishment recommended for the offender

Form anti-ragging Committee /Squads to make surprise visits and take effective steps to prevent ragging

Oversee the procedure of obtaining undertaking from the students in accordance with the provisions

Conduct workshops against ragging menace and orient the and students

To provide students the information pertaining to contact address and telephone numbers of the identified to receive complaints/distress calls

To offer services of counseling and create awareness to the students

To take all necessary measures for prevention of Ragging inside the Campus/Hostels

The Committee shall monitor the functioning of the Vigilance Committee and Vigilance Squad

Anti Ragging Squad
SL NO Name of the Faculty Designation Position Mobile No
01 Mrs. Kavita K HOD Dept of CHN Convener 9481139974
02 Dr. N G Patil Professor Member 9845150707
03 Mr. Amitkumar Biradar Lecturer Member 9741171017
04 Mrs. Shwetha Hitnal Asst Professor Member 9481573048
05 Mrs. Jayashree Pujari Asst Professor Member 9738607801
06 Mr Triveni Bhurali Warden Member 8618145328
Powers & Functions

To conduct anonymous random surveys/raids and ensure that students dare not indulge in the act of ragging in the campus/hostels and take adequate measures to prevent it

The squad shall report to the ARC any incident of ragging which come to their notice.

The Chairman shall report to the ARC the details pertaining to the Squad shall work in the overall guidance of Anti-Ragging Committee (ARC).

Anti Ragging Reports
Date:18th Sept 2019 Venue: Central hall

In view of the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and a Civil Appeal, to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging, including any misconduct by any student or students, either orally or in written form or an act with the intention of teasing, misbehaviour by a fresher or any other student, or indulging in rowdism or undisciplined activities by any student or students, that may cause or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm to anybody, a seminar on Anti-ragging was held for freshers (1st year GNM & 1st Year BSC Nursing). The seminar was conducted by Mr.Satish B Nadagaddi, Asst Professor, Medical Surgical Nursing Department & Mr. Santosh Indi, Asst. Professor, Community Health Nursing Department, on 18/9/2019 from 3.30 pm to 5 pm.

The seminar was conducted in two sessions. 1st session was by Mr. Satish B Nadagaddi. He spoke with the students about what actually is ragging, types of ragging, what constitutes ragging, etc. 2nd Session was by Mr. Santosh Indi. She spoke about the consequences of ragging on the victim and his parents and the action that will be taken against the person who involves in ragging. He also explained the measures to be taken to prevent ragging. The session concluded at 5 pm.